2020 Temperature Blanket
The 2020 Temperature Blanket is a simple Corner-to-Corner (C2C) pattern, which only tracks each day’s high temperature. The pattern, which can be found here, assumes basic knowledge of the C2C technique.

Split-Square Temperature Blanket
I’ve picked my colors and formulated a plan for the 2019 temperature blanket. It’s different from last year. This year, each month will get a square of highs and lows. At the end, the 12 squares will be sewn together.
Read about my yarn selection here.
Find the pattern here.
The first three days are here.
You can see the completed blanket here.

Temperature Blanket Squared
I’ve been wanting to do a temperature blanket for a couple of years, but it seemed like a big undertaking.
What is a temperature blanket? Every day for a year you crochet a row of the blanket color-coordinated to the high temperature of the day. The challenge is 365 rows makes a HUGE blanket.
I’ve decided to go the block route with a light DK yarn. I’m hoping this will keep my squares to around 3 inches, making the finished product a manageable size.
So far, I’ve managed to track three whole month of temperatures and precipitation using my crazy, difficult plan. Each square represents one day. The center circle is either rain, snow, or low temperature. The second is low temperature or high temperature. The outside circle is the high temperature. See this post for the pattern.
I will keep adding to this page as the year progresses.
For now, here is a list of previous posts that will take you through the process. Will you join me on this venture?