These are indeed strange times we are living in. We are told to stay home to keep everyone safe from the COVID-19 virus.
For our family, this wasn’t much of a stretch. We already homeschool. My husband already works from home. What is different is having to go to church online, moving co-op classes online, and having no guests in our house. We usually have a college student living with us, out of town guests, and friends over nearly every day.
We miss people.
We miss the store.
But these things can be missed for now. We have each other and know that God has a plan for all of this. He is going to be glorified through it, and I can’t wait to see how.
With this in mind, I decided it was time to finish some projects that have been hanging out on the back burner (or in the deep, dark depths of the guest room closet).
I give you the Spring Tulip Blanket:

As the tulips outside are budding and getting ready to bloom it seemed appropriate to finish the second blanket in the Spring Blossoms series. After all, what better symbol is there of new hope than the coming of spring where everything is new and green after a long winter.
We may be stuck in a long winter of isolation, but the outside world doesn’t care. Spring is coming anyway.

I published the first blanket in the Spring Blossoms series last year–the Spring Daffodil blanket.

I hope to finish the Iris soon, to be joined by one more blossom in the near future. When all of those patterns are done, they can be joined together to make a larger Spring Blossoms blanket.
Both patterns are available for purchase: the daffodil here and the tulip here.