Crochet Along · Crochet with Friends · Uncategorized

A Year of Crochet, Progress, and Memories

When Robin and I started the “Crochet with Friends” segment of the blog, we had lofty expectations, but neither of us knew how it would go. We did not succeed in writing a blog post for every square, BUT we did both reach the goal of not only finishing our squares, but completing our blankets… Continue reading A Year of Crochet, Progress, and Memories

Alphabet Block Baby Blanket · Blankets · Crochet Along · Gifting · Paid Patterns · Patterns · Temperature blanket · Uncategorized

2019: Year in Review

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is a new day, a new month, a new year, and a new decade all rolled into one. I have plenty of crochet plans to keep me going all year long. I have many old crochet projects to complete. In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to… Continue reading 2019: Year in Review