Blankets · Paid Patterns · Patterns

Spring Iris Blanket (Paid Pattern)

I love a good corner-to-corner blanket when I’m using one color of yarn. It is an easy pattern and makes weaving in the ends so easy. But I also love a good graphgan, and the corner-to-corner blanket is the perfect vehicle. I hate weaving in ends. It’s no secret. I’ve talked about it before, but… Continue reading Spring Iris Blanket (Paid Pattern)

Blankets · Paid Patterns · Patterns

Spring Tulip Blanket Pattern (Paid)

These are indeed strange times we are living in. We are told to stay home to keep everyone safe from the COVID-19 virus. For our family, this wasn’t much of a stretch. We already homeschool. My husband already works from home. What is different is having to go to church online, moving co-op classes online,… Continue reading Spring Tulip Blanket Pattern (Paid)


Warm and Cool Blankets (Just Like the Weather)

We’ve had a very mild winter in Western Pennsylvania. The joke here is that we say goodbye to the sun in November and don’t see it again until March. This year, winter couldn’t decide if it wanted to be winter, summer, or fall. These two blankets are warm and cool–just like the weather. This was… Continue reading Warm and Cool Blankets (Just Like the Weather)

Temperature blanket

Rising Temperatures: Temp Blanket 2020

Mild. That’s what I would call 2020 so far in terms of weather. We’ve had very little snow, temperatures above normal, and even some sunshine—unheard of in January in Western PA. Having finished my 2019 Temperature Blanket (Split-Square Temperature Blanket) a week ago, it seemed time to finally begin my 2020 project. Tonight, I caught… Continue reading Rising Temperatures: Temp Blanket 2020