
C2C Lettering Tutorial

Corner-to-corner crochet is one of the most versatile methods of crocheting. The fabric formed by the pattern of stitches is wonderful, and it is the go-to method for graphgans. Using corner-to-corner crochet or C2C, you can make almost anything.

Recently, I have been working on different C2C patterns, but I wasn’t satisfied with how the letters were turning out. There is something great about the blocky, Mincraft-esque pictures, but I wanted my letters connected, so through a little bit of trial and error, I came up with a method that allows a crochet letter to go from this:

To this:

The change is subtle, but it was just enough of a change for me to love it.

How to make connected letters in C2C crochet

Step 1: Identify the area that needs modified.

In my original “M” you can see that there are no connections toward the top. This will be the area I need to connect. If you are unsure of where that location will be, turn your work frequently from back to front while working letters so you can see those spots as you are working.

Step 2: Begin your stitch as usual.

I was switching colors at the time, but this image shows me inserting the hook into the usual spot to start this square.

Chain 3, then complete 2 Double Crochet in the stitch.

Step 3: Modify your stitch

Yarn over and insert the hook around the connection of the two squares below it where the color matches your working color. Loosely pull up a loop (you want it to sit flat, but not to pull too tightly that it defeats the purpose).

Step 4: Finish the stitch as you would a normal double crochet

Now, you just finish the stitch and move on.

This is what it looks like on the front side.

When you’ve finished the letter, it’ll look like this.

I don’t know about you, but I think that small hack makes it easier to read and gives it a more polished look.

Which do you prefer?