I seem to have a love for yearlong projects—things that I can create little by little adding continuity throughout the year.
I have come up with a few temperature blankets in recent years that have been a huge success.
Temperature Blanket Squared
This blanket is a labor of love, but one of my absolute favorites. Each square represents a day of the year. It tracks low temperature, high temperature, and precipitation. It seems like a lot, but the end result is beautiful and it tells a story.

I used a DK yarn in order to keep the size manageable. You can find the pattern for free on the blog here.
Split-Square Temperature Blanket
In another attempt to make a beautiful blanket that would be a reasonable size, I designed the Split-Square Temperature Blanket. There is a round for each day—half corresponding to the high temperature and half to the low. This takes far less daily time than the Temperature Blanket Squared, but the results are stunning.

This pattern is available for free here on the blog or an all-in-one printable PDF for $1.99 here.
My 2020 Temperature Blanket Failure
I started a temperature blanket in 2020 and you can find the information on it here, but I admittedly did not finish it. The corner-to-corner pattern itself was not problematic. I think I failed in my color choices. I just could not get behind a temperature blanket that is not rainbow colored. Without a thermometer of color from blue to red, no one would look at the blanket and know immediately what it represented.

I haven’t decided yet if I will try something new for 2021. We will have to see what the new year brings.
Will you be pulling out your yarn and tracking the days this year?