There is not a single flake in the air, but they say it’s coming: Snowmageddon. We are close to the line of rain vs. snow, but currently they are call for 8-12 inches. I’m so hyped up about this that I’m going to be bummed if we don’t get more than six.
So, we’ve got milk, enough toilet paper to last us about four months, and a stocked refrigerator (though the cracker cabinet is empty and the kids might revolt). What’s left to do?
Crochet. Obviously.
If you’re like me, your stash is enough to keep you warm for years to come. It’s just a matter of making it in to something.
I’ve compiled five of my free patterns that will not only keep you busy, but can be finished in a day! When people stop to compliment you on your scarf/hat/blanket, you’ll be able to respond, “Thanks, I made it during Snowpocolypse 2019.” Ah. The memories.

1. Winter Wonderland Hat
This one will work up quickly. You can sit down and crochet it, then wear it outside to shovel the snow. The pattern used Herrschners Holiday Pastry Puff yarn, but any worsted weight yarn will do.

2. Winter Wonderland Scarf
Now that you’ve finished your hat, you might as well complete the set with a Winter Wonderland Scarf. You can make it match the hat or choose a complementary color. Again. Any worsted weight yarn will do.
(Once you’ve finished these two, you might be so practiced on this motif that you’ll want to start the Winter Wonderland Blanket. You won’t be able to finish it in a day, but you should be able to finish it before the next snowstorm or at least next Christmas.)

3. Four-hour Baby Blanket
This pattern was designed because I wanted the ability to make a bunch of baby blankets quickly. The entire blanket can be made in around four hours. So, if you’ve got a bunch of Bernat Blanket yarn lying around, this blanket is right for you. If you don’t have Blanket yarn, you could probably combine three strands of worsted weight yarn and follow the pattern, though it would work best with a chunky yarn.
Bonus: This makes a super thick, super warm blanket. Perfect for a snow storm.

4. Sunny Sunshine Pillow
Are you dreaming of warmer places and warmer times? Make yourself some sunshine with the Sunny Sunshine Pillow. This is perfect for the scrap yarn you have lying around your house. If you’re excited for spring, change up the colors and make it a flower instead!

5. Double Duty Dishcloth
This is perfect for any cotton yarn you have lying around. It can be made any color. Don’t have Scrubby yarn? That’s ok. Make the cloths today and make the scrubbers after you can get out of the house again! These would be a great addition to your gift closet for bridal showers and hostess gifts.
As for me, I’m going to continue to work on the border for my 2018 Temperature Blanket. This would be a great way to memorialize Snowmageddon. Start your own temperature blanket.
Happy snow, and stay warm!