A couple of years ago, the pastor of our church was diagnosed with ALS, a debilitating muscle disease. He is still currently fighting and can use a lot of prayers. At the time, our church decided to renovate our manse in order to make it handicap accessible, but we needed money. We held a huge rummage sale and craft fair. I made as many items as I could. I knew it was unlikely that craft fair items would sell at craft fair prices at a rummage sale, but hoped they would. They didn’t.
With the leftover items, my Etsy shop and The Hazelnut Skein was born. To make it clear, the items I sell no longer go toward my pastor’s care. They are purely for me at this point, though profit isn’t really a word that exists in my world yet!
On this blog, I have a page called Shop. It is a quick glance at the items currently available on my Etsy shop. Take a look. Maybe the gift you’re looking for is there.