I also didn’t want to post pictures on the blog with unwoven ends. Alas, (my daughter was so excited when she got to use that word in a paper the other day) weaving in ends is not high on my priority list right now. Forgive me?
February was definitely warmer than January. Here’s a picture that helps show it better.
This pattern is worked from the bottom up. The area circled in red is February, and the plain gray square separates the months. The low temperature this month was under ten degrees and the high was 73 degrees. As you can tell from the inside circle, February was a very wet month.

The temperature blanket is turning out to be very eclectic. I remember reading somewhere (yes, I’m the horrible blogger who has no source), that even when people attempt to be random with things, like the color combination in a blanket, we still end up with some sort of pattern. While the colors in this pattern are not random, they do represent colors in a way I never would have managed.
If you’d like to read more about the Temperature Blanket, click here.