They say in crochet blogs, you have to produce patterns to get traffic.
I’m working on it.
I stood in the yarn aisle at Michael’s a few weeks ago, and inspiration struck. Not only did I pick up red, white, and blue for my Star Blanket, but I found yarn for a future Crochet Along, which I’m pretty excited by.
Now, I’m just trying to find a balance between new patterns and current projects.
Enter the star blanket. Attempt #1: I was very happy with this effort, but how do you make a blanket out of pentagons? I might have to go back and try again. I really do like this one.
Attempt #2:
My count was off, so it didn’t square easily.
Attempt #3 happened this evening. I used a heavier yarn, but it’s too heavy for this square:
I’m still very happy with the star, but I still have some work to do. Pattern making is hard. It’s one part creativity, one part ripping stitches out, and one part determination.
I’m still determined. Look soon for the Star Blanket pattern and tutorial!