Here’s what my 21st Century version looked like. Four women, doing different crafts–sewing, crocheting, knitting–sitting together around a living room on decently comfortable couches, making blankets for wanted or unwanted babies while the children ran amok (the pack mentality is big around here). The two oldest girls also worked their own crafts. One sewing. One cross-stitching. We discussed the things of life–difficulties in parenting, how we met our spouses, the wonders of the Instant Pot.
We also discussed why we were sitting together that day. We hoped the love we put into these blankets would be felt by the women who will receive them at the Choices Pregnancy Center. We prayed that they would be a symbol of love and hope for people who are in despair. We prayed that these women, whoever they are, would choose life for their babies.
Our children, who periodically ran through the room, got to witness mothers encouraging each other and doing something for the greater good, quietly testifying to the promises of God as he gave us each one of them.
It doesn’t stop here. Many others couldn’t join us yesterday, but have promised to drop off blankets of their own. My goal is still to donate at least 20 blankets. If you are interested in contributing, please contact me to find out how.
One thing is for sure, we will definitely be doing this again.
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward.” –Psalm 127:4